Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Dr Sebastian Liew
Sebastian Liew Centre
Tel: 65389978

Kris was my teacher in Yoga since the year 2003. 

Kris is one of my favorite instructors as he is very dedicated and sensitive to his students. 

Being a naturopath and herbalist myself, being healing centered is an important criterion for effective natural treatment. Kris is such a person. He is a teacher in this field, and yet a humble and friendly one. He also takes time to explain to us the many ‘whys’ of yoga and this has helped me in turn to bring the true nature of yoga to others.

I highly recommend Kris for your Yoga needs and I want to thank Kris for giving me his constant love and support for my health and naturopathic practice. 

Sebastian Liew, N.D.

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