Thursday, February 21, 2008


5th September 2007 

Hi Kris ; ) 
I met you when i first ventured seriously into yoga and the state of well being. That was about 3 yrs ago at your Neem Tree Yoga Center. It was a brave move as I've never been in a Yoga class before. 

Your class suited me really fine as it was purely a Men's only class. Through you, I discovered a new level of peace and whenever I find myself in a chaotic situation, I find that I can manage it even better - through calmness and good breathing! I'm never one with a good posture at sitting or standing, but at your classes I really put in effort to learn and discover a new me. 

I'm extremely delighted to find someone really patient, understandingand very relaxed, throughout the twists, turns and breathing exercises. And you know what - your smile just warms up the class and puts every one at ease Kris ; ) 

My favourite poses is the Sun Salutation - just gets me moving mybody, mind and soul! BUT, the ultimate will be the end of the class, when you get us to lie down and sink into the ground, I never fail to fall into a deep slumber. And then you bring my soul gently back with your soothing voice and the sound of the Singing bowl... brilliant! 

Thank you for introducing me to Asanas, Pranayamas and all -uplifting names ; ) Amran A M

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